Greetings friends!
So in the build up to New Fairbank's 3rd Year Anniversary on the 29th Jan I've got a few things in the pipeline for ya'll.
The first of these is this post; namely my equivalent of New Years Resolutions, followed in the near future by the 2014 New Fairbank News PC Game of the Year Award and last but not least the anniversary reveal itself.
So; New Years Resolutions?
Honestly I don't have any.
Yeah I know, a bit of a damp squib to drop on you all, but hey that's how it goes.
What I do have however are projections for the year ahead. This is quite a strange thing to write as normally my writings in this manner are looking back over the previous year as I have done in my previous 2 anniversary posts. To me the idea of projecting for the future seems very arrogant and narcissistic.
- Not saying I'm not arrogant or narcissistic, I do write a blog after all as well as running my own tiny media empire via podcasting and streaming. The difference is that normally I try to hide my arrogance :D
Anyway I suppose there are three sections for these projections, all of which can be split into two:
Media Projections:
It is my hope that in 2015 I can really push out some more content for my media productions. I can't say I see my blog changing though. For the past year it has very much been my own version of Livejournal, but if I am able to get more recordings together on the Hobby Sofa and keep up regular streams on LoxbotLive then that will be great.
What I would LOVE would be for these to become more professional. At the moment my streams once completed are auto split into smaller segments and uploaded (unedited) onto my YouTube account. It would be great if I could actually put more time aside to edit these, record some proper intros and outros and make them more professional.
So we all know the above isn't going to happen.
HobbySofa will never become regular and there's no way I'll have the patience to spend the time needed to get my streams looking professional, especially as that would require a serious cash injection which I just can not afford or justify on something that is still very much a whim.
Realistically I would like to see 4 episodes of Hobby Sofa going out this year, maybe looking at the start of each quarter (we have the first quarter being worked on currently). I think it's fair to say 4 episodes at ~2 hrs an episode is fair. That's 8 hours in total and anyone who actually wants to listen to me, Andrey & Bill talk crap for 8 hours a year has more patience than I would expect of them.
With LoxbotLive; I see that staying as is. It's ramshackle and unprofessional, it's on and off every couple of weeks, but it's an opportunity for me to share what I love doing in a face2face per se manner with some very good friends of mine, and I can't really ask for more than that.
Hobby Projections:
So this week saw a belated Christmas present from my super seksey-awesome wife Teh Tri (that's a link to her new blog; check it out, it's really good) in the form of the Infinity Operation: Icestorm starter pack. I would love to see this as the start of a new hobby with me painting up a half decent Infinity force and visiting a couple of local, aka within 2 hours travel time (yup that is my equivalent of local here, it's why I rarely do it) clubs and playing some game on some beautiful terrain I can make.
Realistically I'll be lucky if I get one, maybe 2 games in using the Icestorm models. This isn't for lack of enthusiasm, as I am currently feeling like a giddy school boy over this game, no it's just remaining realistic. Like I said we're talking 2 hours travel time each way to visit any of the local clubs. This is down to me not being able to drive and the venues not being in the easiest of places for me to get to; essentially requiring that I walk the 20 mins to my train station, then a 40 min train ride into London and then spend between 30-60 mins travelling back out from the centre of London to get where I want to get, then do the same again coming home. Frankly I tend to find 4 hours travel to spend about the same amount of time at a club not really of great value to me.
What I do have is my good friend Tom visiting me in Q1 of 2015, and I'm hoping to go over the Icestorm rules with him then, so that's 1 game. And it would be nice if I could get together with Andrey on 1 occasion at Leisure Games for a play through. That's 2 games.
So yes my Hobby predictions are to play 2 games of Infinity over 12 months.
There is also First Law: Override and Gang War, but more on that in a future post.
Hopeful & Realistic
Looking at the above it would be great if I stuck with more projects and the people involved in said projects, but I am am a creature of a fickle nature and I know that won't happen.
I know that in the summer I will be taking my daughter on her annual pilgrimage to Wales; this year rather than relying on other people I hope to purely take public transport, by then she will be three and a half and I think she will be old enough to spend a few hours here and there on a coach and train.
I would like to say that I hope to be a better Father and Husband, but without a hint of irony I think I actually do a bloody good job there. Could I improve? Of course, but even whoever holds the title of Dad of the Year could do better if you look close enough.
- I would however like to write more Geek Dad posts, and based on her current age, these tales may evolve from The Adventures of Geek Dad into The Adventures of Geek Dad & Geek Girl as her involvement is getting so much stronger with every week, plus she is developing a strong love for superheroes, and I can not stress enough how much joy it fills me with to be told by her day care when I go to pick her up that when asked what she wants to be when she grows up, that where all the other kids say "Princess", or "Fireman" she says "BATMAN!"
And I think that is the point id like to leave it as it touches on a very strong point for me.
You see, if I could give any bit of advice to you reader at this time, and in some cases what with the dark mornings and even darker nights, perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to share this advice.
So many people see New Years as an opportunity to better themselves, to make this year better than last year.
That's no way to live.
What happened last year happened. It may not have been all sing songs and happy days, but even the bad times helped to contribute you to who you are.
My advice is to enjoy the good times and honour the bad. Even if you can't see any good times I can guarantee you that they are there, even if they're just in the form of a little girl saying she wants to be Batman when she grows up!
Take care and stay safe.
- Your friendly neighbourhood Doctor Loxley
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