Monday 14 January 2013

The Week Ahead

Good Monday everyone!

This week promises to be crazy busy for me.

For starters I am supposed to be having my resit exam on Saturday. I have yet to receive confirmation of this however, and so will be emailing the exam centre today to chase this up. More on that when it is confirmed.

Next up, mid week my wife is travelling "up't north" in order to attend the funeral of her grand father. Not much I can really say about that, as this is not the place. However it does mean that I'll be looking after the Moo almost exclusively for a couple of days (excluding work hours where she'll be at day care). This promises to be fun.

As my wife will be away it means the lounge becomes mine, and with it the time and space to do as much painting as I please. And as such I intend to use Wednesday night as the opportunity to make great progress on my Seamus crew, when last we saw them, they appeared as follows:

But that's not all!

For those of you who listen to the Malifools podcast, you'll have heard that in Friday's episode they announced a new competition in the form of Terrain building for Malifaux.

I have decided to tackle this buy purchasing the following:

Yeah he's not much to look at, but fingers crossed will work wonders for what I have planned.

For that however, you'll have to wait and see.

Anyway, that's all for today's quick update, time to relax, let the snow covered landscape pass me by and have a quick nap on my way to work.

Stay safe, and I'll see you all breachside!

- Your friendly neighbourhood Doctor Loxley

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